An EMT and a mechanic. What it’s like to live together.

An EMT and a mechanic. What it's like to live together.

They say life is what you make of it and choices you make impact everything in your life. Making the choice to be with and live with a “car guy” can be somewhat challenging at times. With Troy getting his business growing, he can be a pretty busy man. He answers to demands and requests from not only his employees, but customers as well, and this, at times, can put some stress on the home life. Good thing I am a very understanding woman!
Look at the normal person’s work schedule, most people have a set time to clock in and a set time to clock out. Making appointments is much easier. Spending time with family and friends is something that can happen impromptu. Living with a man like Troy, and his unpredictable schedule, can be challenging! He gets calls all hours of the day and night, and if someone is in need (broke down and needs help NOW), no matter the time, he gets up and goes. I understand this, I knew this going into this relationship, but, I love him so, I smile, tell him to be safe, and give him a kiss good bye.
Imagine, you make a dinner for the family and you all sit down at the table to eat and talk about the day. In the middle of dinner and conversation, the phone rings. Someone broke down on the side of the road. He has to go! I guess it is kind of what it is like for him living with me and my volunteer work. My pager goes, I have to leave. No matter what I am doing.
So, I suppose we are kindred spirits! We both have unique schedules, in that, we both understand the reason dinner is getting interrupted! It takes a special kind of person to be with and live with people like us. I suppose that makes us both special!

Rhonda Smith